Rover 827 as taxi

I've only had one customer that knew he was sitting in a Rover! All others have admired the car and asked what kind of car it is.
Naser Elmisurati says everybody is happy going in his Rover 827 SI from 1993. He's been using it as taxi in Gothenburg since September 2003..
Naser got the car in 2002. It is a Luxembourg-car imported to Sweden by a dealer. The first summer Naser drove it 10 000 kilometers back and forth to his native Libya without any troubles at all.
When Naser started the taxi-business of his own in September 2003 he tought about getting a more common car for the business, but the deal he was offered was a shame. So he decided to use the Rover, though it's soon been on the road for 200 000 kilometers!
- You have to maintain the car carefully, says Naser. I do it myself with a little help from friends wich a garage.
Only one thing has happened that bothers Naser. Once the battery got low, and then one of the windows in the back went down. A thief got in. He didn't get away with any valuebles, but destroyed a few things of the interior.
I've fixed this temporarily, says Naser. The parts are much to deer to get new from the shop.
Back in 1994 or 1995 another 827 was used as taxi in Stockholm, but we don't know for how long.
Let's hope Naser can keep running his Rover and business for many years to come. We all know that Rovers can run for ever.