Land Rover as police car

Simon 's 109 Land Rover Police car from 1978.
Simon 's 109 Land Rover Police car from 1978.

Simon Maltby in Cumbria, England, is a Land Rover freak and in year 2005 he bought this ex-Police Land Rover 109 from 1978 on Ebay without having seen it before.
This car was built together with another identical one and left the factory on 8th December 1977 and was delivered to the Metropolitan Police garage.
It was not until he had bought the car that he was made aware of the fact that this was an ex policecar, and a club-friend pointed out to him that someone had to restore it.

Simon was lucky to find a person who actually used to run one of these Land Rovers. That person told Simon that the cars were known as STEAC vehicles "Specially Equipped Traffic Accident Car". They were used specifically for towing cars, pushing cars and carrying accident scene equipment around.
Simon has bought a new galvonized chassis and an old 2.5 petrol engine and started the work.
The new engine is now almost as new and complete. Only lacks manifold gasket and carburettor. The old gearbox has been removed from the car and awaits a rebuild. The new chassis is beeing waxoiled and once that and the gearbox is finished it's only a matter of lifting the bodywork over and he's ready for a drive in a practically new car!

Simon shows more pictures on his homepage.
The car when Simon bought it The car in March 2006 From the back View into the rear The dashboard This YUU 197T is idententical with Simon Maltby's YUU 199T. YUU 197T "swimming" The old engine The old engine The new engine The new engine The new chassis

New pictures on the engine.

The engine as I bought it with the head removed. The engine with all parts removed. The crank shaft. The block after honing. The block after painting and getting ready to be reamed. The engine mostly put back together. Engine being turned over with no compression to check it gets oil. Engine 99% complete. Just needs a manifold gasket and carburettor. Rear axle after being removed with an angle grinder. Picture of Mr Plod after having its axle removed. One of the main differential bearings in the rear axle. Removing the old pinion bearing. The seat box after removing the gearbox. New chassis after painting. Another view of the chassis after painting. The gearbox. The new old stock fuel tank. This one has a brass threaded plug in the bottom  :hoorahs Rear axle and diff rebuilt and bolted in place. Front axle and diff rebuild awaiting bolts.

Simon 's 109 Land Rover Police car from 1978.
Simon 's 109 Land Rover Police car from 1978.


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Uppdaterat 2009-03-27

Tata buys Land Rover and the Roverbrand

In March 2008 the heavily indebted Ford Company sold their British prestigious carmakers Jaguar and Land Rover along with the Rover Brand, the Daimler brand and the Lanchester brand.

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History of this day

1950: Edgar Rice Burroughs the US novelist, author of the 'Tarzan' books, dies