
<I>A 16hp from 1947. </I>
A 16hp from 1947.

The P in the model names stand for "Postwar".
P1-cars were originally Pre-war cars built Post war. The first P1 left the factory at Solihull in December 1945. Just before Christmas 1947 the last P1 left the production line.
The models built postwar were:
10S, 2.640 cars built 1946 and 1947
12S, 3.880 cars built 1946 and 1947
12SS, 760 cars built 1946 and 1947
12T, 200 cars built in 1947
14S, 1320 cars built in 1946 and 1947
14SS, 385 cars built in 1946 and 1947
16S, 3200 cars built in 1946 and 1947
16SS, 950 cars built in 1946 and 1947

Rover 16 hp Sports Saloon

Here are a couple of pictures of John Turner's 1947 Rover P2 16hp Sports Saloon. Having spent its first 56 years in Australia and now in Scotland this car is in superb condition.

Rover 16hp 1947 Interior

The wheel and facia. The front seat. The back seat. The sun roof.

Rover 12 Tourer 1947

This car belongs to Martin Hooper, UK.
This car belongs to Martin Hooper, UK.

Only 200 of these tourers were made in 1947, all supposedly for export but many stayed in Britain. A large number of the 200 still survive, but not all are running.
Martin Hooper's had the car for 2 years now (Aug 2001) and he's done a full refurbishment of the steering and suspension, and recently had the engine rebuilt.

Rover 12 Six Light Saloon 1947

Tom Lamers' Rover 12 Six Light Saloon from 1947
Tom Lamers' Rover 12 Six Light Saloon from 1947

Tom Lamers lives in Maastricht, the Netherlands. He owns this Rover Rover 12 Six Light Saloon from 1947.
He say's it's a great car, and he enjoys every mile he drives it.
Tom is a member of the ROCH, Rover Owners Club Holland.


Did you know

the TV star Roseanne Barr recently said that "I will start vacuum cleaning when Sears (department store) makes a vacuum cleaner I can ride on"?


Uppdaterat 2009-03-27

Tata buys Land Rover and the Roverbrand

In March 2008 the heavily indebted Ford Company sold their British prestigious carmakers Jaguar and Land Rover along with the Rover Brand, the Daimler brand and the Lanchester brand.

Read more

History of this day

1638 - Swedish settlers founded New Sweden near Delaware Bay, the first Swedish colony in America.