Rover 216 Cab 1994

This Rover 216 Cab from 1994 belongs to Bosse Arnholm in Sweden
This Rover 216 Cab from 1994 belongs to Bosse Arnholm in Sweden

This Cab belongs to Bosse Arnholm i Sweden, the webmaster for these pages. The car was sold new in a country in southern Europe, unknown which. Bosse is the third Swedish owner of the car, that needs a few things to be mended.
But it runs pretty well, and it's a nice feeling to drive with the cab down.

Interior Front Back Front


Did you know

In 1902 Rover introduced the Imperial motorcycle with a 2.75 hp engine


Uppdaterat 2009-03-27

Tata buys Land Rover and the Roverbrand

In March 2008 the heavily indebted Ford Company sold their British prestigious carmakers Jaguar and Land Rover along with the Rover Brand, the Daimler brand and the Lanchester brand.

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History of this day

1862 - Ironclad warships USS Monitor and CSS Virginia fought to a draw in the Battle of Hampton Roads.