Rover 216GTi

This Rover 220GTi from 1992 belongs to Lee Taylor, an English guy living in Sweden.
This Rover 220GTi from 1992 belongs to Lee Taylor, an English guy living in Sweden.

The car has 115,000+ English miles on the clock, 18,400 Swedish miles. 1992 216 GTi, one previous owner. I brought the car over in 1999, when I moved to Sweden. I studied in Jönköping in 1997 and met a Swedish girl. She and I now live together with our two children in Vällingby.
The Rover has been demoted to second car and we make almost all journeys in a 2004 Passat V5, but our daughter loves "Daddy's bil" and the noise it makes. Speaking of which, the exhaust is the only non-standard part - a custom made sports exhaust that was cheaper than getting a UK part sent over. I do have some wide alloys for the summer come to think of it.
It's a great car to drive and a fun project when things go wrong - alternator brushes, cam belt, fan belt, brake pads, etc. That said it has been incredibly reliable during the last 14 years, only small expected things have broken or been worn out [I'm afraid that I have to put this down to the Japanese influence].
Just look at the picture - I'm a happy Rover driver.



Did you know

...From 1886 Rover had produced 426,580 cycles


Uppdaterat 2009-03-27

Tata buys Land Rover and the Roverbrand

In March 2008 the heavily indebted Ford Company sold their British prestigious carmakers Jaguar and Land Rover along with the Rover Brand, the Daimler brand and the Lanchester brand.

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History of this day

1945 - A bomb raid on Tokyo started a firestorm, killing 100,000.