Rover 75 at the show in Birmingham 1998

It is the rebirth of the Rover brand . . .
On many occasions I have said that the world has been waiting too long for a real British car to reappear on the world's markets . . . and from our heart and soul:
This is it!

Bernd Pischertsrieder, CoB of BMW, when showing Rover 75 in Birmingham on October 20th

These pictures from the press-preview in Birmingham were shot exclusively for Rover Club of Sweden.


Did you know

the name YKK on the zipper of your jeans means Yoshida Kogyo Kabushibibaisha - the world´s largest zipper producer?


Uppdaterat 2009-03-27

Tata buys Land Rover and the Roverbrand

In March 2008 the heavily indebted Ford Company sold their British prestigious carmakers Jaguar and Land Rover along with the Rover Brand, the Daimler brand and the Lanchester brand.

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History of this day

1959 - Barbie, the world's best-selling doll, debuted at the American International Toy Fair in New York City.