Rover 200 Turbo

Colin Mold skriver själv om sin 220 Coupe Turbo:
The car is a late 1995 220 Coupe Turbo on an "N" registration plate, in Charcoal Grey Metallic. It was purchased from the Slough Motor Company (a Rover main dealer), in July of this year and I believe it was previously a lease car (company vehicle). I actually live in St Albans in Hertfordshire, but went to this dealer because they usually have at least one 220 Turbo in stock. Most main dealers rarely have any Turbos at all.
Interior is half leather with a very good looking Black velour trim. It would have been nice to have had an oil pressure gauge, traction control switch and maybe even a Turbo pressure gauge - but I suppose that would have pushed the price up.
It has 34,400 miles on the clock, but it drives like new, very smoothly. The first thing I noticed was that the gear ratios are different from the standard model - at 65 mph it's only doing a fraction over 2000 revs. I can now see why this can get it up to 149mph. The steering is also notably heavier (more like that of the Calibra V6) due to the wider tyres, and I think that the brakes may have been uprated as I don't think that 'yellow' brake callipers are standard to Rover.
Last weekend, I changed the licence plate to K8 CPM (colin peter mold), so that's an improvement on the look of the original one.
Anyway, all I need to do now is get some synthectic oil in it and it'll all be ready.
Colin Mold