Spon End

Joseph Kemp Starley bodde på 10 Gloucester Street, Spon End, Coventry när han utvecklade Rovers säkerhetscykel.
Huset finns fortfarande kvar och nu drivs en kampanj för att få en minnestavla på det.

Rover modeller

Få och dyra modeller
När det gäller Rover så har det inte funnits så väldigt många olika modeller på marknaden. En anledning som givits mig är att Rover har hållit hårt i designrätten till sina modeller och inte tillåtit vilket företag som helst att göra modeller av dem. Om det är sant eller inte ska jag låta vara lite osagt men faktum är att idag så börjar det komma ut flera nytillverkade modeller av kända Rover bilar.
Ett företag är Brooklin models i engelska Bath som gjort modeller av P3, P4 och nu senast P5 - men till ett pris. Modellerna är oerhört detaljerade och fina men det kan man nog begära när de kostar 7-800 kronor. När det gäller lite äldre modeller så är jag hela tiden på jakt efter gamla Rovermodeller men tro inte att de är speciellt billiga eller lättfunna.
Dinky Toys gjorde under flera år modeller i skala 1:48 på Rovers P6 serie, både på rallyvarianter och på P6 med stora Sundim glastaket. Högsta pris betingar de modeller som är i "Olekt" skick och med kartong. Allt mellan 250 och upp till 800 kronor kan man få ge för en fin Dinky Toys.

Flera Dinky Toys-varianter
Spot On gjorde en fantastisk modell på P5 men där är priserna ofta i underkanten av en tusenlapp för en fin bil. Dinky Toys gjorde även ett antal varianter på SD1 under den tid det begav sig. Det har fler en än gång slagit mig vilken tavla man gjorde då man lät sina egna leksaksbilar gå ett hårt öde till mötes genom att b.la sätta dem i pappas skruvstäd för att ge dem en lite tuffare och lägre profil.
Dock har jag saknat en modell på P6 "new look", eller om man så vill sena P6 med bulor på huven och svarta fronten. Nyligen fann jag i "P6 News", en annons för plastmodeller av just P6. Nyfiken som jag är ville jag prova trots att priset var ganska högt, dock billigt om man jämför med vad en färdig modell kostade, och nedan kan du ta del av mina intryck.
Skalan är 1:24, vilket ger en modell som är ca 18cm, och alla tre varianterna, 2000, 2200 och 3500 kan byggas. För några kronor extra kan man få reservhjul till bakluckan.
Företaget heter Outhouse Models, och finns på: 9 Skerne Road, Driffield, East Yorkshire, YO25 7SE, ENGLAND. Phone: 01377 241324.

Leksak för vuxna!
Den engelska instruktionen börjar med texten " Denna modell är för vuxna samlare enbart och är inte en leksak. Den är inte lämplig för barn."
Allt detta stämmer för det här är inte en nybörjarmodell som vilken sjuåring som helst kan slänga samman på en timme, inte med något vettigt resultat i alla fall. Drygt 20 delar låter inte mycket men betänk att detta är långt ifrån någon massgjuten Airfix modell. Första problemet är att få loss alla delarna från gjutramarna i oskadat skick, ett nog så småknepigt arbete. Den här modellen kräver mycket av byggaren men ger också mycket genom den stora skalans möjligheter till förbättringar.
Så kan nämnas att man får tillverka nackstöd själv, i den mån förebilden har dem, likaså säkerhetsbälten osv. Naturligtvis är modellen försedd med ratten på höger sida men med lite försiktighet kan man nog skära till en ny konsoll om man så vill, jag brydde mig aldrig om att prova. Dörrhandtagen på framdörrarnas insidor får kapas ned något för modellen är gjuten med de innerhandtag som återfinns på 3500S, alltså manuella P6 V8. Modellen kan väl sägas vara lite primitiv om man jämför med en större tillverkares utbud. MEN det är en Rover och har en charm och en spänning som det var mycket länge sedan jag fann hos de etablerade tillverkarna.
Det totala priset inklusive frakt från England blev 44,95£ och med en pundkurs på dryga 12 kr blev det ingen billig modell men nöjet att göra en 18cm kopia på "Tuff" var värt flera gånger det beloppet. En liten varning ska sättas in och det är att ta dig god tid för att få modellen färdig, den är värd det.

Ovanstående text är ett utdrag ur en artikel i Roverbladet nr 26 som publicerades i juni 1997.

Alla som söker modeller av Rover P5 och P6, bör kontakta:

Mr David Brooks
Flat 1
37 Linkfield Street

Telefon 01737 760670

Han har en hel del fina modeller i aluminium av olika bilar i skala 1:43. Kvaliteten och trogenheten mot originalen är helt OK. Priset runt 20 £.

Matchbox och Corgi

Matchbox har gjort modeller både av Sterling och SD1. SD1 byggdes under tidigt 80-tal och gjordes både som "vanlig" bil och som polisbil. Sterling-modellen är mer nutida och kan möjligen fortfarande finnas i produktion.
Alla dessa modeller är ganska lätta att komma över i samlarkretsar - åtminstone i England - och är ganska billiga. SD1:an ligger mellan 10 och 15 US$ och Sterling-modellen kostar sannolikt bara några få dollar.
Corgi gjorde också sådana små SD1-modeller. Även här både som "vanlig" bil och polismodellen. Även dessa är lätta och billiga att komma över i samlarkretsar.

OutHouse Models i England

Denna modellbilstillverkare är villig att bygga praktiskt taget vilken modell som helst, om man får order på minst fem exemplar.
9 Skerne Road, Driffield, East Yorkshire, YO25 7SE, ENGLAND. Phone: 01377 241324.

Somerville Models

Somerville Models har gjort en ny modell av en P2:a från 1937 i skala 1/43. Modellen är handgjord i metall och är därför ganska dyr, den kostar 79 pund. Den finns i ett par andra färgkonstellationer också.
Kontakta Mike Coupe för mer information.


Denna berömda leksakstillverkare från Tyskland, som egentligen startade 1912 under namnet Scheyer & Co. År 1921 blev firmanamnet Schuco.
Firman är kanske mest känd för de fina bilarna, båtarna och motorcyklarna i plåt som ofta var uppdragbara med fin teknik och hög kvalitet.
Schuco-leksaker var dyra nya och som begagnade i fint skick kostar de väldigt mycket.

Nu har Schuco gjort kanske något ännu bättre, nämligen nya Rover 75 i skala 1:43. Finns i färgerna ljugrön metallic artikelnummer 04591, rödmetallic artikelnummer 04592 och blåmetallic artikelnummer 04593. Kostar cirka 275 kronor ute i handeln i Sverige.
Dessutom finns Mini Cooper i årsmodellerna 1968 och 1970 i skala 1:43 till ungefär samma pris som Rover 75:an.

Hundkojan finns i en mängd varianter:
Mini Cooper 40 år artikelnummer 2440
Mini Cooper röd artikelnummer 2441
Mini Cooper British Racing Green artikelnummer 2442
Mini Cooper Tahiti Blue artikelnummer 2443
Mini Cooper Rally svart + schackmönster artikelnummer 2444 Limited edition, bara 2000 tillverkade
Mini Cooper Union Jack-målad artikelnummer 2445

Generalagent i Sverige är M-Hobby, Klarinettvägen 4, 302 41 Halmstad
Telefon: 035 37 203, Fasx: 0706 11 04 08 Mobil: 0706 73 04 08


Firman ägs nu av Lledo, som i sin tur ägs av Corgi.
Vanguards är en brittisk leksaksbiltillverkare som saluför många fina bilar i skala 1:43 från 50- 60- och 70-talen.
Många härliga brittiska vagnar som Hillman Imp, Singer Chamois, Austin Allegro, Ford Consul 3000 GT - polisvarianten. Vanguards gör även en mängd Rovermodeller av vilka de flesta nämns här:
Rover 100 med fint diorama artikelnummer CD 1002 cirkapris 335 kronor
Rover 2000 + Jaguar XK 120 diorama artikelnummer PD 1002 cirkapris 475 kronor

Rover P6 - 2000, grå artikelnummer VA27006 cirkapris 175 kronor
Rover P6 - 2000, Roger Clarks rallybil, artikelnummer VA 27008, cirkapris 175 kronor
Rover P6 - 2000, Tobacco Leaf, artikelnummer VA 27009, cirkapris 175 kronor

Generalagent i Sverige är M-Hobby, Klarinettvägen 4, 302 41 Halmstad Telefon: 035 37 203, Fasx: 0706 11 04 08 Mobil: 0706 73 04 08

Viss rabatt kan Roverklubbens medlemmar räkna med om de kontaktar vår medlem: Kent Klar, Odinslundsvägen 13 F, 517 36 Bollebygd, 033-285265

K & R Replicas

Detta är ett brittiskt företag som tillverkar modeller av några fina bilmärken. Numera finns även Rovers P6 i utbudet. En byggsats med delarna i metall kostar 28 pund (plus frakt), medan en färdigbygd model går på 74 pund. Se modellerna på firmans hemsida.

Kenna Models

Brittiskt företag som bygger bilmodeller för hand med stor detaljrikedom. Även inredning. Man kan få modellerna målade efter egna specifikationer. Priset för en P5B Coupé ligger på £95.

Se modellerna på firmans hemsida.


Göteborg: The Rover, Andra Långgatan 12. Favoritmat: Roverburgare!

<I>Anders gillar Roverburgaren<br>på The Rover. </I>
Anders gillar Roverburgaren
på The Rover.

Roverburgaren som den serveras på puben
The Rover i Göteborg.

Du behöver detta:
Kryddor; salt, peppar och paprikapulver

Rör ihop smeten och grilla burgaren. Servera den på tallrik inlagd i pitabröd tillsammans med coleslow. Dessutom med pommes frites, lite sallad och några tomatskivor. Och så lite röd salsasås att doppa pommes friten i.

The rover

Om de första bilskatterna.
(bara på engelska)


The first British road tax on cars was imposed by the 1896 Locomotives on Highways Act which imposed a fee of 4 pounds 4 shillings for a four wheeled car up to two tons.
The Motor Car Act of 1902 established vehicle registration, at fee of 1 pound per year. From the 1st of January, 1910, a Horsepower tax was imposed, based on the RAC formula, at the following rates:

to 6-1/2 HP 2 guineas
12 HP 3 guineas
16 HP 4 guineas
26 HP 6 guineas
33 HP 8 guineas
40 HP 10 guineas
60 HP 21 pounds

The Royal Automobile Club formula for horsepower assumed a mean effective pressure of 90 pounds per square inch, a mechanical efficiency of 75% and a mean piston speed of 1000 feet per minute. Their calculation uses bore area times number of cylinders over a constant, viz.


where D= cylinder bore in inches, and N= the number of cylinders.
From the 1st of January, 1921, the rate was set at a pound per horsepower. This started the light car boom and effectively limited large engines to luxury cars.

However, by 1930, m.e.p averaged 125#, and piston speed had doubled. This lead to a double rating system, as the Rover 10/25, where the 10 was RAC horsepower and 25 was indicated horsepower. In 1946 this was usally replaced by a flate rate. Rover introduced brake horsepower in 1948 with its 60 and 75 models.

Note that the RAC formula favours cars with long strokes and small bores over cars with large bores and short strokes, and also a smaller number of cylinders.

Thanks to Merle K Peirce

The old German regulations are very similar.
They also had the "tax horsepower", where 261,8 cc equal 1 tax-hp, this was probably based on similar calculations like the RAC formula you describe. This was used from 1906 until 1928.
So there was the Mercedes 28/95, or the Mercedes 6/25/40, the latter was a compressor car, where the second number refers to actual horsepower, and the very last number to horsepower with the compressor working.

Thanks to Thomas John

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The Rovernet FAQ :-)
(bara på engelska)

Q Should I install a crane electronic ignition to my Rover?

A. No. Cranes, which are used to lift very heavy things (like Austin-Healey engines), have motors that operate at very low RPM's; the advance curve would be wrong.

Q My Rover won't start and I suspect the fuel pump. Help!

A. This is common on British cars, and will provide you with many happy hours spent with your Rover. American cars do not have this problem, it seems; the rear of the Yank cars are raised so high that the fuel tank is above the carburettors, which are then fed by gravity, thus not requiring fuel pumps.

Q I have an 1970 P6B Rover for sale, red, 61 K miles. Anyone interested?

A. Not anymore. The fact that you, like most everyone else, didn't put a location in your message, did not stop us from finding out that you and your car are in Sri Lanka. A lovely island, to be sure, but nobody wants to pay the $15,000 in freight to get the car back here.

Q Is my brother-in-law's car's name pronounced "Jag-wahr" or "Jag-wire"?

A. Well, you are correct in that it's two syllables, but is sounds more like "bring-cash".

Q What's the best way to keep my Rover from rusting?

A. Having NASA loft the car into a polar orbit should be effective, but you wouldn't be able to drive the car. You should get most of the benefits, including not being able to drive the car, by building a dehumidified garage and never taking the car out of it.

Q If I could afford a dehumidified garage, I'd be driving a "Jag-wire", you fool. Now what?

A. Buy a Daimler SP250 and leave it in the driveway. Even if your neighbours drive current-generation Tauruses and Citroens, they'll be offended enough by the eyesore that they will take up a collection to build a garage for you. If another neighbour brings home a Trabant, however, then you've been out-bid.

Q Can you recommend a good, reliable, mechanic that services Rovers for reasonable rates?

A. Sorry, wrong List. Send a 'subscribe' message to gullible@naive.com, they should be able to help you.

Q I'm looking for a MIG welder at affordable prices. Where should I look?

A. Try the Russian Air Force; current price is two pairs of blue jeans and they'll throw in a Trabant to use as a welding cart. BTW, welders designed for cars work almost as well.

Q I do not understand the animosity on the List towards Miatas. Should I trade in my Rover on one?

A. Not a good deal from a financial standpoint. All of the money you will have spent so far on engine hoists, sandblasters, MIG welders, bearing presses, etc., would have been wasted. Keep your Rover so that you get a return on your investment in these tools.

Q Should I keep my older Rover perfectly original, with no modern "enhancements"?

A. Absolutely. Scrounge the junkyards for 30-year-old gas out of the tanks of cars wrecked long ago. Finding vintage air for the tires might be tougher; exhuming the dead to pump air from their lungs is frowned upon. Fill the glove box with antique unpaid parking tickets, most drivers in major cities have plenty of these. Old brake fluid is easy, as most of us on the List have many half-filled cans left over from previous brake jobs, and we'll be glad to sell it to you. BTW, check out the List from your Univac computer with a baud rate of something like five or six.

Q What does MOWOG mean?

A. Nothing. The man who made the wood forms for the castings liked subtle practical jokes.

Q Should I use silicon break fluid in my car?

A. Of course. Since silicon is essentially sand, it does not absorb water as readily as standard brake (note spelling for future reference) fluid. It is easy on paint, provided you don't blow it at the paint at high velocity, or stick it on paper and rub it across the paint.

Q. I have read that rubber break seals swell up in DOT 3. Is that right?

A. Yup. Look like gummy bears in a day or so and leak like crazy nuts. In DOT 5, on the other hand, they don't swell up quite enough, and still leak like crazy nuts. In DOT 4, however, they swell up just enough. It is called the Goldilocks principle. Interestingly, gummy bears soaked in DOT 3 are perfectly preserved, but they taste terrible. And for future reference, it is brake, not break.

Q Is it true that you should not store batteries on concrete?

A. Nope. It is perfectly O.K. to store batteries on concrete. It is not considered proper, however, to repair the rust holes in the battery tray of your car with concrete. Take it to a body shop and have it repaired properly with aluminum and rivets.

Q Has anyone heard of this Moss Motors place?

A. Yes

Q What size tires should I put on my Rover?

A. Use 195/70 SR 14 on the driver's side, and 175/70 SR14 on the passenger's side. This combination compensates nicely for the different settling of the springs on the two sides. Do not get confused and put the two larger tires on the front; the constant struggle to go uphill will substantially reduce performance.

Q What colour white should I use to match my original paint?

A. 94 subtly different whites were used on Rovers. Most people give up and paint their car Porsche red. If you are trying to match the original paint with Davos White and have a problem, consider the possibility your car may have been originally April Yellow or Zircon Blue. It may be tough to get an exact match to either of these with Davos White, but it should be close enough for most practical purposes.

Q On my way to work today I saw 6 Miatas with their tops up. Why is that?

A. It is not well known, but the Miata isn't actually a convertible. It has a fixed head, cunningly covered with cloth to resemble a convertible, like many Lincoln Town Cars. Any you see with the top actually down are custom conversion jobs.

Q I have a really bad leak from my gas tank. Is it O.K. if I get some plumber's solder and a propane torch and solder up the hole?

A. It's O.K. with us. In the interest of preserving your car for future generations to enjoy, remove the tank first and perform the soldering operation some distance from the car. Adios.

Q My car overheats all the time. My mechanic said the water is moving through the radiator too fast to get cooled off. Is this right?

A. Well, although it makes no physical sense whatever, racers and mechanics everywhere agree completely that one way to improve the cooling of your car is to slow down the flow through the radiator. Many owners swear that this has worked for them. British cars, it seems, are so nearly human that they succumb effect. It is probably worth noting that the owners of British cars are nearly human, too.

Thanks to . . .
Eric Russell

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Gamla Broschyrer

BMC/Leyland broschyrer

Jeg er naturligvis meget interesseret i Australske MINI brochurer.
Dog er der også mange andre BMC/Leyland brochurer fra AUS som jeg ville blive glad for at have i min samling.
Jeg kan tilbyde hundredsvis af brochurer fra 1960-1999 i bytte. Jeg foretrækker at bytte, men hvis ikke det kan lade sig gøre, betaler jeg også gerne for dem.

Kurt Christensen, Danmark
Maila Kurt: hogc@post10.tele.dk


Leyland P76

Austin 1800 Utility

Gamla Roverannonser


Danske Christian Helmer har en samling av cirka 1200 nummer av den brittiska tidningen Autocar från åren 1937 till 1976. Han har scannat in en del annonser från den gamla goda tiden som vi får titta på.

Rover 60 från 1956 Rover T3 från 1956 Från AutoCar augusti 1961 Från AutoCar oktober 1968 Från AutoCar juni 1970 Från AutoCar september 1970 Från AutoCar från oktober 1970 Från AutoCar februari 1971 Från AutoCar augusti 1973 Från AutoCar oktober 1973 Ytterligare en annons insänd av Jonathan Hewison i Wellington, New Zealand.

V8 vikingaskepp
(bara på engelska)

V8 longboats!

I do know that some of the longboats plying the klongs in Bangkok, Thailand are definitely Rover V8 powered. For those who haven't seen these - or better still, experienced a ride on one - these are long but narrow wooden boats seating up to perhaps 10 or 20, used as water taxis on Bangkok's internal waterways. They are home-made efforts and are powered by an amazing assortment of ex-car V8 engines on a pivoting gimbal mount in the centre of the boat.
The engines are at about driver's head height and the propeller is at the end of a long shaft sticking over the back of the boat; a handle is attached to the engine and the driver steers the boat simply by swivelling the engine on its mount! Very noisy - no exhaust system, you understand - and exhilaratingly fast! Would definitely be banned on London's Thames river (speed limit 4 mph). I think I've got a photo of one of these at home - I'll upload it to my web site later if I can find it.
Thanks to:

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Mobil Rover :-)

Mobil Rover

Gå till www.boltblue.com och ladda ner en Rover-logo och ljud till din mobiltelefon.
Efter registreringen går du till "Fun & Games"-delen där det finns hundratals olika loggor och ringsignaler att ladda ner till din mobiltelefon..
Sedan kan alla se att din telefon - och du - är alldeles speciella.

Tipstack till:
Rob Connolly
Waikato Rover Car Club Nya Zealand

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Rovers första jetmotorer
(bara på engelska)

The first Rover jet engines were never built!

<I>The engine with the<br>driveplate in the center.</I>
The engine with the
driveplate in the center.

Rover was given a shadow factory by the UK goverment to produce the Whittle engine and was getting no where partly because they refused to work to Frank Whittle's specification for the first version. The early Whittle engines had an apparently illogical design with the centrafugal compress facing the wrong way round. This meant the intake air flow had to go through to U bends before reaching the combustion chamber. This was inefficient but adopted as an interim measure by Whittle to get a working design into production while a "straight through" design could be proven on the test bed.
Rover took it upon themselves to redesign the whole engine and held production up for over a year, not even managing to produce enough engine parts for Whittle's Power Jets operation to conduct a test cell program to clear the engines for flight. As a result the Power Jets test programme depended on engines they were producing themselves.
When Whittle got word of what was going on at Rover he put pressure on the Ministry of Aircraft Production as a result that De Haviland, later Vauxhall, were brought into the picture at a very late date in the story both of whom very quickly got things moving.
De Haviland quickly designing and producing the Goblin and Vauxhall would have been ready to produce complete engines had it not been for the end of the war.
Rover were never Whittle's first choice to build the engine, that was Rolls-Royce. However they were banned from taking part in the program because Lord Beaverbrook realised the vital importance of the Merlin and Griffin engines to the air war against Hitler.
However Hives, later Lord Hives, realised just how important the jet was and had links with Wittle because Rolls were making components for Power Jets test engines (because of Rovers non-production of vital parts). Rolls were also made a major input to solving the metalurgy problems that Whittle encountered and the design of the compressor section which was based on Stanley Hookers Merlin supercharger data.
Eventually Hives got the nod from Beaverbrook to do something about the jet engine production programme and swapped the factory set up to produce the non uppercharged Merlin tank engine (later renamed the Meteor and in V8 form the Meteorite) for the Rover jet engine plant. Rolls very quickly got the initial Welland into production working to Whittles drawings, and this was quickly superceded by a straight through version designed by Whittle.
An enlarged version of this robust engine, called the Rolls-Royce Nene, was produced in large number under licence in the US and without licence in Russia and China. It was used by both sides in the Korean and Vietnam wars and is still used in some combat aircraft in mainly 3rd world airforces.

Thanks to: Andy M

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P6-stolen som konst


Alla som åkt i en Rover P6 vet hur skönt man sitter i den bilen. Men vet du att du kan köpa en äkta P6-stol och använda hemma i vardagsrummet?!!
Det blir i och för sig tämligen dyrt eftersom dessa stolar räknas som modern design åt det konstnärliga hållet. De finns alltså inte i vanliga möbelaffärer utan i konstgallerier och på museer. Stolen på bilden är fotograferad på Galleri Ferm i Göteborg, men den finns också till beskådan på ett antal museer.

Det var den israeliske konstnären Ron Arrard som stöpte om P6-stolen till modern konst och gjorde den känd utanför kretsen av Rover-förare. Han lär också ha gjort om P6-baksäten till små soffor

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V8:an som kost


Christoff Brock i England gillar att ta vara på skrot, och visa upp det i olika former. Här har han hittat en Rover V8-motor och gjort ett bord av det.

Jag köpte denna Rover-V8:a för att bygga en custom-bil, men det projektet lades ner innan det kommit igång ordentligt . . .
Jag hade i alla fall skaffat en modell av V8-blocket för att kunna måtta in i chassit, och när projektet las ner kom jag på denna fina användning för blocket.
Jag är egentligen en Lotus-fan och har tre bilar. Även Lotus är ju brittisk och det är något speciellt just med brittiska bilar. Paul Vissers

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Rovers släktträd

Britannia rules . . .

Enbart i Storbritannien.....kan Du få pizzan levererad till huset snabbare än om Du ringer efter en ambulans.

Enbart i Storbritannien.....låter man handikappade och sjuka ta sig allra längst in i butiken för att köpa receptbelagda mediciner, medan friska människor kan köpa cigaretter vid utgången.

Enbart i Storbritannien.....beställer folk dubbla ostburgare, en stor pommes frites och en DIET Coke.

Enbart i Storbritannien.....låter bankerna båda dörrarna stå öppna, medan de kedjar fast pennorna vid diskarna.

Enbart i Storbritannien.....låter man bilar värda tusentals pund stå på uppfarterna till garaget, medan skräp och en billig gräsklippare fyller upp garaget.

Enbart i Storbritannien.....köper man varm korv i 10-pack, och varm korv bröd i 8-pack.

Enbart i Storbritannien.....använder man telefonsvarare för att filtrera inkommande telefonsamtal, och sedan ha en "samtal väntar" funktion för att inte missa samtal från någon man egentligen inte vill prata med.

Enbart i Storbritannien.....har man parkeringsplatser för handikappade framför en isrink.

Fast stämmer inte detta lika bra på Sverige . . . ?

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PC för Roverfreaks

Den Rover-freak som är ute efter en handdator bör åka till Ryssland. Där finns RoverPC P3, RoverPC P5 och RoverPC P6 att köpa.

Vi vill inte uttala oss om kvalitet eller så, men RoverPC använder sig av Microsofts PocketPC operativsystem och det finns en rad olika tillbehör för den som är intresserad.

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Nummerskyltar deschiffrerade

Brittiska skyltar dechiffrerade

En del engelska bilar har svarta nummerplåtar med vita eller silverfärgade tecken på. Andra bilar har vita eller gula skyltar med svarta tecken. Är du en av många som inte ser logiken i detta, så får du hjälp nu!
Fram till 1972 var allting enkelt. Då var skyltarna svarta med vita eller silverfärgade tecken på. Från 1972 skall alla nya bilar ha vita reflekterande skyltar fram och gula reflekterande skyltar bak, båda med svarta tecken på. Bilar tillverkade före 1972 kan välja att ha kvar de gamla skyltarna eller byta till den "moderna" färguppsättningen, vilket väldigt få har gjort.
1963 infördes ett nytt numreringssätt som gjorde det möjligt att se från vilket år bilen var. Numren hade normalt tre bokstäver och tre siffror som exempelvis ABC 123. 1963 lades bokstaven A till efter siffrorna, 1964 lades bokstaven B till och så vidare.
De två första bokstäverna anger från vilket område bilen kommer. Som ett exempel visar bokstäverna UN att bilden är från Denbighshire i norra Wales.
Men det finns fallgropar i detta. Engelska språket saknar ju Å, Ä, och Ö och på nummerskyltarna använder man inte heller I eller Z. När alltså alla dessa bokstäver för att markera året tagit slut ändrade man ordningen på grupperna. Det blev då A123 ABC, B123 ABC och så vidare.
Av någon outgrundlig anledning började man för ett antal år sedan byta tilläggsbokstaven två gånger per år, och runt millenieskiftet slog det slint hos myndigheterna. Då infördes ett helt nytt system som är så komplicerat att få förstår och ingen kan komma ihåg betydelsen av bokstavs- och sifferkombinationerna.

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Rovers tio budord

Dessa Rovers tio budord skrevs av Kent Kinnard i USA för ett antal år sedan och publiserades ursprungligen i RSTCA:s nyhetsbrev i februari 2000.
Nu har Kent filat lite mer på budorden och delar med sig till Roverklubben.

1. Thou shalt honor ALL Rovers (even those with BL, Honda, BMW or Ford relatives)

2. Thou shalt not scrap any Rover or Rover parts (unless they first be posted upon the Rovernet or offered upon the altar of Ebay)

3. Thou shalt always speak gently to thy Rover (lest it overheat, refuse to start, develop terminal rust, etc.)

4. Thou shalt work upon thy Rover at least one day per week for thy mental health's sake. (But other texts read, "Thou shalt refrain from working on thy Rover at least one day per week for thy mental health's sake.")

5. Remember kindly all those who
a) offer good Rover advise
b) sell Rover parts at a fair price
c) save Rovers from destruction,
for these persons are family to you.

6.Thou shalt not allow thine insurance to lapse,
neither upon thyself,
nor upon thy Rover,
nor upon thy passengers,
nor upon any who stray into the path of thy Rover.

7. Thou shalt not treat thy Rover better than thy spouse, lest thy spouse leave thee penniless and unable to afford additional Rovers or repairs upon thy present Rover.

8. Thou shalt not steal a Rover (except for an agreed upon price).

9. Thou shalt not bear false witness concerning the condition of thy Rover when offering it for sale, nor about the number of miles thou travelest upon one gallon of petrol, be it US or Imperial, nor about the velocity which thou wast recently able to attain whilst proceeding upon the motorway.

10. Thou shalt often tell thy Rover owning neighbor that thou dost greatly covet his Rover, so that the smile may long remain upon thy neighbor's face.

Roveremonstratingly, Kent K.

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Rover på lager

Roverfyllt flygfält

Denna bild, och andra liknande, har under senare år ofta publicerats i olika tidningar i den engelskspråkiga delen av världen. Ofta som ett bevis på att Rover sålt dåligt och att allt fler bilar därför lagrats på oanvända flygplatser.
Sanningen är den att alla bilfabriker i Storbritannien använder sig av detta sätt att lagra fabriksnya bilar under leverans. Leveranserna av fabriksnya bilar ut till försäljningsställena tar normalt ett par eller upp till tre veckor och fabrikerna producerar tusentals bilar varje vecka. Någonstans måste dessa bilar lagras under tiden. Att använda övergivna flygfält är ett av de billigaste och enklaste sätten i Storbritannien.
Vår brittiske expert anser att flygfältet just på denna bild är Upper Heyford i Oxfordshire som används av en distributionsfirma, oftast för lagring av Peugeot och Citroen. Om det skulle vara Rover och MG-bilar på bilden måste den vara tagen under år 2004.

Vår brittiske expert rapporterar också att MG Rovers konkursförvaltare från April till och med början av november 2005 sålt 6 750 MG och Roverbilar. Under augusti sålde de till och med fler bilar än Jaguar! Då återstod bara mellan 300 och 400 bilar att sälja, men för dessa var ägarförhållandena oklara. Det återstod att reda ut om bilarna tillhörde konkursboet, bankerna eller återförsäljarna.

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Rover in films and on TV
(bara på engelska)

Didn't You Kill My Brother

In "Didn't You Kill My Brother" Alexei Sayle as Carl Moss drove a P5B with MO55 plates. This car was Alexei's own private car. His identical twin Sterling Moss (the one with hair) rode a borrowed BMX bike.

The man who haunted himself

In this film from 1970 there is extensive coverage of a maroon P5B Saloon being driven by the lead Roger Moore who plays a split role.
First Moore is driving the Rover sedately as a conservative merchant banker and then his evil twin is racing the P5B to his death along a motorway

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The Avengers

John Steed works for British Intelligence and always has a female partner. The problems he finds are always a bit odd, just on the edge of science fiction (Cyborg killers, a city built under a disused coal mine, a gang put together for adrenalin junkies, and a killer who uses a concentrated cold virus to kill his victims by having them sneeze to death). Steed is always the ultimate in culture and grace as he saves the world each week.
In one episode of 'The Avengers' with 'John Steed and Tara King' the investigations took them to a secret site where the bad guys had a 1966 Rover 2000 in Wedgewood Blue. The man they were persuing kept killing people by electricuting them.

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The Professionals

This series chronicled the lives of Bodie and Doyle, top agents for Britain's CI5 (Criminal Intelligence 5), and their controller, George Cowley. The mandate of CI5 was to fight terrorism and similar high-profile crimes. Cowley, a hard ex-MI5 operative, hand-picked each of his men. Bodie was a cynical ex-SAS paratrooper and mercenary whose nature ran to controlled violence, while his partner, Doyle, came to CI5 from the regular police force, and was more of an open minded liberal. Their relationship was often contentious, but they were the top men in their field, and the ones to whom Cowley always assigned to the toughest cases.
With Martin Shaw and Lewis Collins as 'Bodie and Doyle' and of course Gordon Jackson as 'Cowley'.

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There is also a special site about the TV-series.


American Werewolf in London

There are several 3500S police cars in this film.

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Rita, Sue and Bob Too

A British film from the 1980:ies. A typical British film form the 1980:ies . . .
Those who were young then will remember and enjoy, for others there's a nice shot with an SD1 in the film

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SD1 in a movie with Brad Pitt

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Get Carter

With Micheal Caine. There is a several second shot of the rears of 3 Police P6's and 1 LWB Land Rover.
A vicious London gangster, Jack Carter, travels to Newcastle for his brother's funeral. He begins to suspect that his brother's death was not an accident and sets out to follow a complex trail of lies, deceit, cover-ups and backhanders through Newcastle's underworld, leading, he hopes, to the man who ordered his brother killed. Because of his ruthlessness Carter exhibits all the unstopability of the android in Terminator, or Walker in Point Blank, and he and the other characters in the film are prone to sudden, brutal acts of violence.

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Until the End of the World

Most of the beginning is concerned with a road trip from Venice to Paris in a beautiful P5. The Rover does, however, become involved in a nasty roll-over accident but it survives with a broken windscreen and dented wings

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Carry me home

The story is about a Father and two sons. They leave the South Island in their green Rover P4 for a visit North. After a busy night in a motel the father dies from sex or a heart attack!!!. The sons then find out that his life insurance is only valid if he dies on the South Island, the remainder of the story is trying to get him back home before anyone finds out.


A black 3500S, a Uma Thurman car, is in the film together with two other 3500S and one 2000TC. All cars US 1970 model year. Four Rovers in one film must be a record?!

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In "Feverpitch" there are flashbacks to the 1970's at the beginning of the film, and in a scene the young lad (the film's "hero") is being taken out by his Dad. They stand at his car talking over the roof. You can't at no stage see the whole car, just the roof and a small section of windscreen pillar trim.
That looks like a P6. Next scene is filmed inside the car and ET headrests can clearly be seen.

The Unknown Soldier

PBS recently showed a story called I think "The Unknown Soldier" which took place at the end of W.W.1 where the nurse involved drove an antique Rover in several scenes

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Desperate Characters

A film from 1970 starring Shirley Maclaine and Kenneth Mars, features a 3500S Auto. The car does not appear until a fair way into the film, but the shots of the car are good. The film is not available on video in the UK but is available in the US

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The Efficiency Expert

Also there was a good movie called "The Efficiency Expert" starring Anthony Hopkins. A P6 played an important role. Honest.

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Tinker Tailor . . . and Smiley

The BBC's adapted John le Carre's spy novels "Tinker Tailor .." and "Smiley's People" in the 70's. These are widely seen as some of the best TV drama ever produced with a wonderful cast led by Alec Guiness as George Smiley. Throughout both adaptions whenever George is seen driving his *own* car it is a P6.
From memory the one in Tinker Tailor is an almond series II (2000 TC?) and the one in Smiley's People (set some years later) is a dark brown series II. The two cars get quite a lot of screen time and several pivotal scenes are either filmed in the interior of one of them or with a P6 looking moody in the background!
Smiley obviously knows his cars because at one point he is offered a lift in a Porsche 924 - he looks a bit doubtful and remarks "What a perfectly horrible little car!" As we know, he's used to something rather better . . .

Read more Tinker Tailor

Game, Set & Match - and Hook, Line & Sinker

Strangely in the TV version of the Len Deighton "Game, Set & Match" "Hook, Line & Sinker" trilogies Deighton's equvalent of Smiley, Bernard Sampson, also drives a Rover P6. (In the books it was a Volvo Estate)

Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels

"Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels" has a P5B supplied by a member of the Rover P5 Owners Club, Martin Reed, featured for about ten minutes.
There was a P6B in this movie, as well. It got run into the back of a Ford Granada estate at about 30 mph. This was the car driven by the character played by Vinnie Jones.

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Sutherlands Law

In the mid-1970's there was a TV series on BBC entitled 'Sutherlands Law'. The hero - a Scottish solicitor - drove a Rover P4.

Radio on

Chris Petit's 1970's film 'Radio On' is a road movie set in Britain. The hero drives from London -> Bristol (or maybe from Bristol -> London) in a Rover P4.

Shooting fish

In this British film from 1997 we can see a 1967 3.5 litre P5b Coupe that now belongs to Gary Lemin. The car was previously owned by Paramount film studios in London and has been in many old films

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The Murder of Roger Ackroyd

This is a film based on a Poirot-novel by Agata Christie. Lots of old English motorcars including a huge old Rolls, and some Wolseley police cars. The doctor, who did it, drove a nice P2 6 light, with a Rover's head radiator cap. This car was used to kill a witness, it seemed to spend a lot of time being driven around and featured in much of the back ground footage.

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The Persuaders

The Persuaders should definitely not be missed by anyone who enjoys detective stories, action, and the classical Roger Moore humor. If you enjoyed the Saint, Watch this series too!

Here, read what Johann Hafstein from Iceland writes about it:
I was watching TV the other day, casually flipping through the channels when I stumbled upon a episode of " The Persuaders". In their prime in the early 70s these series were probably very popular, starring Roger Moore and Tony Curtis.
Anyway, I was in luck because in this episode the producers of the series were obviously very busy promoting fine automobiles from Rover Co., especially the brand new Range Rover (Series I).
I watched Roger and Tony chase the bad guys (which were driving a P5B copupe) in the Rangie. The scene was shot out in the country. The bad guys were driving the P5B at high speed down the road which ran through green fields and then down a hill. The Persuaders followed in the Range Rover, over fields and straigt down the hill, criss-crossing the road on their way down. There were spectacular scenes showing the Rangie in "slo-mo" driving through pits and poodles, blasting through closed gates and jumping up and down off the rough terrain. There were also shots of the P5B cornering and blasting down the straights. In the end our guys catched the bad guys and arranged for them to be picked up by the police which promptly arrived in their shiny (and probably brand new) P6s.
In the end there was a shot of all the cars, the yellow-ish and muddy Range Rover, the blue-on-white P5B Coupe (showing it s red interior through the open doors) and the sparkling (lights on top) new police P6s. Now, is this fine entertainment or what?
Johann Hafstein

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Austin Powers: The spy who shagged me

A black 3500S US car from 1970 goes over a cliff - but still runs and drives!
Another 3500S, same as in Gattaca, was used was used for the chase scene and close-ups.

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Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery

A black 3500S US car from 1970 behind Austin Powers at the beginning of the film. "Show me love" photo shoot.

Steering wheel and brakes were moved to the right on both cars.


In the 1971 British gangster thriller, "Villain", the Rover "star" is a grey P5B coupe with a black roof (HXC 802 H) and features prominently as the transport of Vic Dakin (Richard Burton on fine form despite being on 2 bottles of vodka a day), a sadistic, homosexual, mother-fixated gangland boss who has always managed to keep one step ahead of "The Law" (as personified by Nigel Davenport) until one last job proves to be his undoing . . .
Although not quite in the same league as the seminal "Get Carter" and "The Long Good Friday", the film is well worth seeking out and contains many quotable one-liners as well as a host of fine actors like Ian McShane, Donald Sinden and Joss Ackland. One of the film's highlights is a wages heist which mangles a Triumph 2000 Mk I, a Ford Zodiac Mk IV, a Vanden Plas 3-litre Princess and a Jaguar S-Type, and where Burton's character puts a Jif Lemon squeezer to a very unorthodox use!

Thanks to Fraser Mitchell

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Speaking of Ian McShane, I seem to recall him appearing in a 1974 thriller called "Ransom" - no, not the recent Mel Gibson movie - which was set in Scandinavia (possibly Sweden although I couldn't be certain!) and starred Sean Connery as Colonel Tahlvik, an anti-terrorist expert. A brown Rover P6 had a brief but significant role as the official car of the British Embassy.

Thanks to Fraser Mitchell

Jack the Bear

A red 3500S US model from 1970 is shoot in a driveway for about 4 seconds, but the character who drove it was cut out of the film.

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A Hard Day

There's a scene in which the Beatles are being chased on foot by an entire squadroom of Bobbies, and they run right past a guy that's trying to steal a Rover 3 Litre. One of the cops eventually "comandeers" the thief and car, to aid in the chase!

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(bara på engelska)

Rover in books

This is only short list of books about Rover Cars. Many more books have been published.

TitleAuthorPublisher/YearISBN number
Rover MemoriesRichard Hough, Michael FrostickGeorge Allen & Unwin/1966
Rover P6B Anthology 1968 - 1977Daniel Young, compilerP4 Spares/1990
Sporting Rover Anthology 1930 - 1968Daniel Young, compilerP4 Spares/1989
Rover P6 Anthology 1963 - 1977Daniel Young, compilerP4 Spares/1989
Rover Anthology 1950 - 1967 (P4 - P5)Daniel Young, compilerP4 Spares/1989
Rover Anthology P3 Scrap-bookDaniel Young, compilerP4 Spares/1989
Advertising Rover 1904 - 1964Daniel Young, compilerP4 Spares/1989
Vintage Rover AnthologyDaniel Young, compilerP4 Spares/1988
Rover Anthology 1934 - 1949 (p1 - P3)Daniel Young, compilerP4 Spares/1986
Rover SDI 1976-86 Owners Buyers GuideJames Taylor1991
The Post-war Rover P4 & P5James TaylorP4 Spares/1990
The Range RoverJames TaylorMotor Racing Publications Ltd/19840-947981-25-X
The Land-RoverJames TaylorMotor Racing Publications Ltd/19870-947981-12-8
The Classic Rovers 1934 - 1977James TaylorMotor Racing Publications Ltd/19810-900549-75-0
Land-RoverK and J Slavin and G.N. MacKieFoulis/1989
The Rover StoryGraham RobsonPatrick Stephens/1988
The Range Rover / Land-RoverGraham RobsonDavid and Charles/1988
The RoverGeorge Mowat-BrownShire Publications Ltd/19920-747801-54-1
The Marques of CoventryBrian LongWarwickshire Books/1990
The Motor Men: Pioneers of the British Car IndustryPeter KingQuiller Press/1989
The Land-Rover, The early yearsTony HutchingsTony Hutchings/19860-9508057-1-8
Rover MemoriesRichard Hough, Michael FrostickGeorge Allen & Unwin/1966
The Rover V8 engineDavid HardcastleFoulis/1990
World Encyclopedia of Aero EnginesBill GunstonPatrick Stephens/1986
Rover - The first ninety yearsEric DymockDove Publishing/19930-9518750-1-9
British Leyland: The truth about the CarsJeff DanielsOsprey Publishing/1980
Rover 3500 Vitesse 1976 - 1986R.M. Clarke compilerBrooklands Books
Rover 3500 1968 - 1977R.M. Clarke compilerBrooklands Books
Rover 2000 & 2200 1963 - 1977R.M. Clarke compilerBrooklands Books
Rover 3 & 3.5-Litre Gold Portfolio 1958 - 1973R.M. Clarke compilerBrooklands Books
Rover P4 1955 - 1964R.M. Clarke compilerBrooklands Books
Rover P4 1949 - 1959R.M. Clarke compilerBrooklands Books
Range Rover Gold Portfolio 1970 - 1988R.M. Clarke compilerBrooklands Books
Vintage Motor CarsW. BoddyShire Publications Ltd/1990
Four-wheel drive and Land-RoverN. BaldwinShire Publications Ltd/1988


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Roverklubbens maskot, Rover

Roverklubbens maskot,  Rover

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Den israeliske konstnären Ron Arrard stöpte om P6-stolen till modern konst. Paul Vissers har gjort ett bord av en Rover V8-motor.

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Idag - Lördagen den 29 Mars 2025
Jonas Jens

1955 - Rolf Lassgård, svensk skådespelare, föds.
Källa: Wikipedia